
Ultimate Passion & Philosophy!

Ultimate Passion & Philosophy!

One of a Kind!...Unique Freak that's Moi! LOL

One of a Kind!...Unique Freak that's Moi! LOL
Fab Philosophies I Believe In!...Randomness & Refusal 2 Follow the Crowd!...No Such Thing as Rigid Social Media Rules to Adhere 2....Some May Find Ur Posts/Tweets/Blog Pointless but What's the Point if it's not the Real You?!


Friday, April 15, 2011

Westlife Only Girl in the World 25th March 2011 Birmingham

Everyone is WELL AWARE of MY OBSESSION with these IRISH LADS.....But even I can't believe it sometimes that after all these years of Live Concerts......THEY SURPASS THEMSELVES EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!!.....Each Annual Visit to SECC Glasgow makes me Smile Like a Cheshire Cat, yet even I can't see how they can TOP the PREVIOUS YEAR's SHOW & MEDLEYMIX.....BUT.....hey, it's why I adore them so much...cos I'm never disappointed with the Latest IMPRESSIVE & FUN COLLECTION OF MEDLEY TRACKS ALONG WITH THE USUAL FAVS.....Flawlessly Sung Live & Only Serving to Make My Obsession & Adoration simply get more intense (THUS SERIOUSLY ANNOYING TO A LOT OF MY FRIENDS IT HAS 2 BE SAID!)........................................................
but hey I don't care & I say:
KIAN/MARK/NICKY/SHANE:...UR the Best Band on the Planet...NoOne Can Match UR Talent so LONG LIVE WESTLIFE & THEIR IMPRESSIVE ANNUAL LIVE CONCERT TREATS, keeping us Fans as Passionate & Enthusiastic as all that time ago when we first fell in Love with the FAB4! XXXXX

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